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Why Import Rubber Gaskets from India?
The Role of Custom Rubber Components in the Solar Industry

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FVMQ is a durable elastomer that shares the mechanical properties and temperature stability of silicone (VMQ). However, compared to standard VMQ, FVMQ has better resistance towards mineral oil, fuels, and solvents.
Salient Features:
- Chemical resistant
- Compression set resistant
- Extreme temperature performance
- High thermal resistance
Common Applications
- Aviation fuel seals
- Automotive fuel seals
- Static sealing applications
- Diaphragms, o-rings, seals, gaskets, and hose lining
- Hardness: 45-80 Shore A
- Temperature resistance: -60° C to + 200° C
- Standard colors: Blue
FVMQ compounds work well with aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene. fuels, toluene, aromatic mineral oils, ozone, and weather applications.
FVMQ compounds are prone to hydrazine, brake fluids, and ketones.
FVMQ is a durable elastomer that shares the mechanical properties and temperature stability of silicone (VMQ). However, compared to standard VMQ, FVMQ has better resistance towards mineral oil, fuels, and solvents.
Salient Features:
- Chemical resistant
- Compression set resistant
- Extreme temperature performance
- High thermal resistance
Common Applications
- Aviation fuel seals
- Automotive fuel seals
- Static sealing applications
- Diaphragms, o-rings, seals, gaskets, and hose lining
- Hardness: 45-80 Shore A
- Temperature resistance: -60° C to + 200° C
- Standard colors: Blue
FVMQ compounds work well with aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene. fuels, toluene, aromatic mineral oils, ozone, and weather applications.
FVMQ compounds are prone to hydrazine, brake fluids, and ketones.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adip elit sed done eiusmod ut laboret dolore mag oris nisi ut aliquip ex ea consequat dolor rep cillum dolore fugiat nula pariat.
Lastest Posts
Why Import Rubber Gaskets from India?
The Role of Custom Rubber Components in the Solar Industry

Speak with a human to filling out a form? call corporate office and we will connect you with a team member who can help.